Análise de Dados em R (FNDE) - Módulo 1
Allan Vieira
janeiro de 2018
Linguagem S:
Outras invenções Bell Labs:
fax, C, UNIX, C++, Radio Astronomia, etc
Voltando à linguagem S:
versão comercial -> S-PLUS
R surge como uma alternativa livre/gratuita à linguagem S
Criada por Ross Ihaka e Robert Gentleman
Gráficos !!
Web Apps!!
Softwares para automação de rotinas!!
Slides sofisticados!!
Web Scraping
Fazendo maldade com R…
operador | operação |
+ | soma |
- | subtração |
* | multiplicação |
/ | divisão |
^ ou ** | potenciação |
%% | módulo(resto) |
%/% | divisão inteira |
# soma
[1] 5
# subtração
[1] 2
# multiplicação
[1] 6
# divisão
[1] 1
# potenciação
[1] 9
[1] 9
# módulo(resto)
[1] 1
# divisão inteira
[1] 2
# --> indica comentário; código que não será executado
# parênteses indicam a prioridade de execução para o interpretador
[1] 64
As funções são objetos muito utilizados no R. Como você calcularia a raiz quadrada de 81 ?
[1] 9
Juntando com a priorização via parênteses:
[1] 5.196152
[1] 9
Estrutura básica:
“R, at its heart, is a functional programming (FP) language”
(Hadley Wickham)
## prod = multiplicação
prod(2,2) # 2x2
[1] 4
prod(2,2,3,4) # 2x2x3x4
[1] 48
## log = logaritmo natural
log(3) # log na base e
[1] 1.098612
# log de 3 na base 10
[1] 0.4771213
# log3 na base 10
[1] 0.4771213
# abs = modulo, |3 - 9|
[1] 6
#factorial() = fatorial do número
#4 fatorial (4!)
[1] 24
acepack "acepack"
assertthat "assertthat"
backports "backports"
base64enc "base64enc"
BBmisc "BBmisc"
benchr "benchr"
bindr "bindr"
bindrcpp "bindrcpp"
binman "binman"
bit "bit"
bit64 "bit64"
bitops "bitops"
blob "blob"
blogdown "blogdown"
bookdown "bookdown"
brew "brew"
broom "broom"
callr "callr"
caTools "caTools"
cellranger "cellranger"
checkmate "checkmate"
cli "cli"
clipr "clipr"
colorspace "colorspace"
commonmark "commonmark"
crayon "crayon"
crosstalk "crosstalk"
curl "curl"
data.table "data.table"
dbplyr "dbplyr"
desc "desc"
devtools "devtools"
dichromat "dichromat"
digest "digest"
dplyr "dplyr"
emstreeR "emstreeR"
evaluate "evaluate"
fansi "fansi"
forcats "forcats"
Formula "Formula"
geosphere "geosphere"
ggmap "ggmap"
ggplot2 "ggplot2"
git2r "git2r"
glue "glue"
googlesheets "googlesheets"
gridExtra "gridExtra"
gtable "gtable"
haven "haven"
here "here"
hexbin "hexbin"
highr "highr"
Hmisc "Hmisc"
hms "hms"
htmlTable "htmlTable"
htmltools "htmltools"
htmlwidgets "htmlwidgets"
httpuv "httpuv"
httr "httr"
jpeg "jpeg"
jsonlite "jsonlite"
knitr "knitr"
labeling "labeling"
later "later"
latticeExtra "latticeExtra"
lava "lava"
lazyeval "lazyeval"
lubridate "lubridate"
magrittr "magrittr"
mapproj "mapproj"
maps "maps"
markdown "markdown"
mclust "mclust"
memoise "memoise"
mime "mime"
miniUI "miniUI"
modelr "modelr"
MultiRNG "MultiRNG"
munsell "munsell"
numDeriv "numDeriv"
nycflights13 "nycflights13"
openssl "openssl"
packrat "packrat"
pillar "pillar"
pkgbuild "pkgbuild"
pkgconfig "pkgconfig"
pkgload "pkgload"
plogr "plogr"
plotly "plotly"
plotrix "plotrix"
plyr "plyr"
png "png"
praise "praise"
prettyunits "prettyunits"
processx "processx"
prodlim "prodlim"
promises "promises"
proto "proto"
purrr "purrr"
R6 "R6"
rappdirs "rappdirs"
rattle "rattle"
RColorBrewer "RColorBrewer"
Rcpp "Rcpp"
RcppArmadillo "RcppArmadillo"
RcppProgress "RcppProgress"
RCurl "RCurl"
readr "readr"
readxl "readxl"
rematch "rematch"
reprex "reprex"
reshape2 "reshape2"
RgoogleMaps "RgoogleMaps"
RGtk2 "RGtk2"
rjson "rjson"
rlang "rlang"
rmarkdown "rmarkdown"
roxygen2 "roxygen2"
rpart.plot "rpart.plot"
rprojroot "rprojroot"
rsconnect "rsconnect"
RSelenium "RSelenium"
RSQLite "RSQLite"
rstudioapi "rstudioapi"
rversions "rversions"
rvest "rvest"
scales "scales"
scatterplot3d "scatterplot3d"
selectr "selectr"
semver "semver"
servr "servr"
shiny "shiny"
sourcetools "sourcetools"
sp "sp"
stringi "stringi"
stringr "stringr"
subprocess "subprocess"
testthat "testthat"
tibble "tibble"
tidyr "tidyr"
tidyselect "tidyselect"
tidyverse "tidyverse"
tinytex "tinytex"
utf8 "utf8"
viridis "viridis"
viridisLite "viridisLite"
wdman "wdman"
whisker "whisker"
withr "withr"
xfun "xfun"
xml2 "xml2"
xtable "xtable"
yaml "yaml"
base "base"
boot "boot"
class "class"
cluster "cluster"
codetools "codetools"
compiler "compiler"
datasets "datasets"
foreign "foreign"
graphics "graphics"
grDevices "grDevices"
grid "grid"
KernSmooth "KernSmooth"
lattice "lattice"
Matrix "Matrix"
methods "methods"
mgcv "mgcv"
nlme "nlme"
nnet "nnet"
parallel "parallel"
rpart "rpart"
spatial "spatial"
splines "splines"
stats "stats"
stats4 "stats4"
survival "survival"
tcltk "tcltk"
tools "tools"
utils "utils"
acepack "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
assertthat "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
backports "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
base64enc "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
BBmisc "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
benchr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
BH "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
bindr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
bindrcpp "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
binman "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
bit "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
bit64 "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
bitops "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
blob "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
blogdown "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
bookdown "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
brew "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
broom "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
callr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
caTools "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
cellranger "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
checkmate "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
cli "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
clipr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
colorspace "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
commonmark "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
crayon "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
crosstalk "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
curl "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
data.table "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
DBI "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
dbplyr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
desc "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
devtools "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
dichromat "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
digest "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
dplyr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
emstreeR "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
evaluate "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
fansi "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
forcats "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
Formula "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
geosphere "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
ggmap "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
ggplot2 "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
git2r "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
glue "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
googlesheets "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
gridExtra "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
gtable "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
haven "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
here "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
hexbin "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
highr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
Hmisc "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
hms "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
htmlTable "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
htmltools "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
htmlwidgets "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
httpuv "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
httr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
jpeg "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
jsonlite "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
knitr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
KODAMA "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
labeling "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
later "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
latticeExtra "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
lava "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
lazyeval "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
lubridate "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
magrittr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
mapproj "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
maps "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
markdown "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
mclust "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
memoise "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
mime "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
miniUI "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
modelr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
MultiRNG "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
munsell "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
numDeriv "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
nycflights13 "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
openssl "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
packrat "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
pillar "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
pkgbuild "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
pkgconfig "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
pkgload "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
PKI "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
plogr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
plotly "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
plotrix "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
plyr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
png "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
praise "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
prettyunits "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
processx "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
prodlim "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
promises "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
proto "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
purrr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
R6 "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rappdirs "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rattle "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
RColorBrewer "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
Rcpp "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
RcppArmadillo "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
RcppMLPACK "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
RcppProgress "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
RCurl "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
readr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
readxl "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rematch "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
reprex "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
reshape2 "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
RgoogleMaps "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
RGtk2 "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rjson "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
RJSONIO "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rlang "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rmarkdown "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
roxygen2 "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rpart.plot "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rprojroot "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rsconnect "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
RSelenium "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
RSQLite "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rstudioapi "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rversions "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
rvest "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
scales "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
scatterplot3d "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
selectr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
semver "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
servr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
shiny "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
sourcetools "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
sp "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
SQUAREM "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
stringi "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
stringr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
subprocess "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
testthat "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
tibble "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
tidyr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
tidyselect "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
tidyverse "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
tinytex "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
utf8 "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
viridis "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
viridisLite "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
wdman "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
whisker "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
withr "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
xfun "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
XML "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
xml2 "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
xtable "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
yaml "/home/allan/R/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu-library/3.5"
base "/usr/lib64/R/library"
boot "/usr/lib64/R/library"
class "/usr/lib64/R/library"
cluster "/usr/lib64/R/library"
codetools "/usr/lib64/R/library"
compiler "/usr/lib64/R/library"
datasets "/usr/lib64/R/library"
foreign "/usr/lib64/R/library"
graphics "/usr/lib64/R/library"
grDevices "/usr/lib64/R/library"
grid "/usr/lib64/R/library"
KernSmooth "/usr/lib64/R/library"
lattice "/usr/lib64/R/library"
MASS "/usr/lib64/R/library"
Matrix "/usr/lib64/R/library"
methods "/usr/lib64/R/library"
mgcv "/usr/lib64/R/library"
nlme "/usr/lib64/R/library"
nnet "/usr/lib64/R/library"
parallel "/usr/lib64/R/library"
rpart "/usr/lib64/R/library"
spatial "/usr/lib64/R/library"
splines "/usr/lib64/R/library"
stats "/usr/lib64/R/library"
stats4 "/usr/lib64/R/library"
survival "/usr/lib64/R/library"
tcltk "/usr/lib64/R/library"
tools "/usr/lib64/R/library"
utils "/usr/lib64/R/library"
Version Priority
acepack "1.4.1" NA
assertthat "0.2.0" NA
backports "1.1.2" NA
base64enc "0.1-3" NA
BBmisc "1.11" NA
benchr "0.2.2" NA
BH "1.66.0-1" NA
bindr "0.1.1" NA
bindrcpp "0.2.2" NA
binman "0.1.1" NA
bit "1.1-14" NA
bit64 "0.9-7" NA
bitops "1.0-6" NA
blob "1.1.1" NA
blogdown "0.9.7" NA
bookdown "0.7" NA
brew "1.0-6" NA
broom "0.5.0" NA
callr "2.0.4" NA
caTools "" NA
cellranger "1.1.0" NA
checkmate "1.8.5" NA
cli "1.0.0" NA
clipr "0.4.1" NA
colorspace "1.3-2" NA
commonmark "1.5" NA
crayon "1.3.4" NA
crosstalk "1.0.0" NA
curl "3.2" NA
data.table "1.11.4" NA
DBI "1.0.0" NA
dbplyr "1.2.2" NA
desc "1.2.0" NA
devtools "1.13.6" NA
dichromat "2.0-0" NA
digest "0.6.18" NA
dplyr "0.7.8" NA
emstreeR "2.1.0" NA
evaluate "0.11" NA
fansi "0.2.3" NA
forcats "0.3.0" NA
Formula "1.2-3" NA
geosphere "1.5-7" NA
ggmap "2.7.900" NA
ggplot2 "3.1.0" NA
git2r "0.23.0" NA
glue "1.3.0" NA
googlesheets "0.3.0" NA
gridExtra "2.3" NA
gtable "0.2.0" NA
haven "1.1.2" NA
here "0.1" NA
hexbin "1.27.2" NA
highr "0.7" NA
Hmisc "4.1-1" NA
hms "0.4.2" NA
htmlTable "1.12" NA
htmltools "0.3.6" NA
htmlwidgets "1.2" NA
httpuv "1.4.5" NA
httr "1.3.1" NA
jpeg "0.1-8" NA
jsonlite "1.5" NA
knitr "1.20" NA
labeling "0.3" NA
later "0.7.3" NA
latticeExtra "0.6-28" NA
lava "1.6.3" NA
lazyeval "0.2.1" NA
lubridate "1.7.4" NA
magrittr "1.5" NA
mapproj "1.2.6" NA
maps "3.3.0" NA
markdown "0.8" NA
mclust "5.4.1" NA
memoise "1.1.0" NA
mime "0.6" NA
miniUI "" NA
modelr "0.1.2" NA
MultiRNG "1.1" NA
munsell "0.5.0" NA
numDeriv "2016.8-1" NA
nycflights13 "1.0.0" NA
openssl "1.0.2" NA
packrat "0.4.9-3" NA
pillar "1.3.0" NA
pkgbuild "1.0.0" NA
pkgconfig "2.0.2" NA
pkgload "1.0.0" NA
PKI "0.1-5.1" NA
plogr "0.2.0" NA
plotly "4.8.0" NA
plotrix "3.7-2" NA
plyr "1.8.4" NA
png "0.1-7" NA
praise "1.0.0" NA
prettyunits "1.0.2" NA
processx "3.1.0" NA
prodlim "2018.04.18" NA
promises "1.0.1" NA
proto "1.0.0" NA
purrr "0.2.5" NA
R6 "2.3.0" NA
rappdirs "0.3.1" NA
rattle "5.2.0" NA
RColorBrewer "1.1-2" NA
Rcpp "1.0.0" NA
RcppArmadillo "" NA
RcppMLPACK "1.0.10-6" NA
RcppProgress "0.4.1" NA
RCurl "1.95-4.11" NA
readr "1.1.1" NA
readxl "1.1.0" NA
rematch "1.0.1" NA
reprex "0.2.0" NA
reshape2 "1.4.3" NA
RgoogleMaps "1.4.3" NA
RGtk2 "2.20.35" NA
rjson "0.2.20" NA
RJSONIO "1.3-0" NA
rlang "" NA
rmarkdown "1.10" NA
roxygen2 "6.1.0" NA
rpart.plot "3.0.4" NA
rprojroot "1.3-2" NA
rsconnect "0.8.8" NA
RSelenium "1.7.1" NA
RSQLite "2.1.1" NA
rstudioapi "0.7" NA
rversions "1.0.3" NA
rvest "0.3.2" NA
scales "1.0.0" NA
scatterplot3d "0.3-41" NA
selectr "0.4-1" NA
semver "0.2.0" NA
servr "0.11" NA
shiny "1.1.0" NA
sourcetools "0.1.7" NA
sp "1.3-1" NA
SQUAREM "2017.10-1" NA
stringi "1.2.4" NA
stringr "1.3.1" NA
subprocess "0.8.2" NA
testthat "2.0.0" NA
tibble "1.4.2" NA
tidyr "0.8.1" NA
tidyselect "0.2.5" NA
tidyverse "1.2.1" NA
tinytex "0.6" NA
utf8 "1.1.4" NA
viridis "0.5.1" NA
viridisLite "0.3.0" NA
wdman "0.2.4" NA
whisker "0.3-2" NA
withr "2.1.2" NA
xfun "0.4" NA
XML "3.99-0" NA
xml2 "1.2.0" NA
xtable "1.8-2" NA
yaml "2.2.0" NA
base "3.5.1" "base"
boot "1.3-20" "recommended"
class "7.3-14" "recommended"
cluster "2.0.7-1" "recommended"
codetools "0.2-15" "recommended"
compiler "3.5.1" "base"
datasets "3.5.1" "base"
foreign "0.8-70" "recommended"
graphics "3.5.1" "base"
grDevices "3.5.1" "base"
grid "3.5.1" "base"
KernSmooth "2.23-15" "recommended"
lattice "0.20-35" "recommended"
MASS "7.3-49" "recommended"
Matrix "1.2-14" "recommended"
methods "3.5.1" "base"
mgcv "1.8-23" "recommended"
nlme "3.1-137" "recommended"
nnet "7.3-12" "recommended"
parallel "3.5.1" "base"
rpart "4.1-13" "recommended"
spatial "7.3-11" "recommended"
splines "3.5.1" "base"
stats "3.5.1" "base"
stats4 "3.5.1" "base"
survival "2.41-3" "recommended"
tcltk "3.5.1" "base"
tools "3.5.1" "base"
utils "3.5.1" "base"
acepack NA
assertthat NA
backports "R (>= 3.0.0)"
base64enc "R (>= 2.9.0)"
BBmisc NA
benchr NA
bindr NA
bindrcpp NA
binman "R (>= 3.3)"
bit "R (>= 2.9.2)"
bit64 "R (>= 3.0.1), bit (>= 1.1-12), utils, methods, stats"
bitops NA
blob NA
blogdown NA
bookdown NA
brew NA
broom "R (>= 3.1)"
callr NA
caTools "R (>= 2.2.0)"
cellranger "R (>= 3.0.0)"
checkmate "R (>= 3.0.0)"
cli "R (>= 2.10)"
clipr NA
colorspace "R (>= 2.13.0), methods"
commonmark NA
crayon NA
crosstalk NA
curl "R (>= 3.0.0)"
data.table "R (>= 3.1.0)"
DBI "R (>= 3.0.0), methods"
dbplyr "R (>= 3.2)"
desc "R (>= 3.1.0)"
devtools "R (>= 3.0.2)"
dichromat "R (>= 2.10), stats"
digest "R (>= 3.1.0)"
dplyr "R (>= 3.1.2)"
emstreeR "R (>= 3.5.0)"
evaluate "R (>= 3.0.2)"
fansi "R (>= 3.1.0)"
forcats "R (>= 3.1)"
Formula "R (>= 2.0.0), stats"
geosphere "R (>= 3.0.0)"
ggmap "R (>= 3.1.0),\nggplot2 (>= 2.2.0)"
ggplot2 "R (>= 3.1)"
git2r "R (>= 3.1)"
glue "R (>= 3.1)"
googlesheets "R (>= 3.2.0)"
gridExtra NA
gtable "R (>= 2.14)"
haven "R (>= 3.1)"
here NA
hexbin "R (>= 2.0.1), methods"
highr "R (>= 3.0.2)"
Hmisc "lattice, survival (>= 2.40-1), Formula, ggplot2 (>= 2.2)"
hms NA
htmlTable NA
htmltools "R (>= 2.14.1)"
htmlwidgets NA
httpuv "R (>= 2.15.1), methods"
httr "R (>= 3.0.0)"
jpeg "R (>= 2.9.0)"
jsonlite "methods"
knitr "R (>= 3.1.0)"
KODAMA "R (>= 2.10.0), stats"
labeling NA
later NA
latticeExtra "R (>= 2.10.0), lattice, RColorBrewer"
lava "R (>= 3.0)"
lazyeval "R (>= 3.1.0)"
lubridate "methods, R (>= 3.0.0)"
magrittr NA
mapproj "R (>= 3.0.0), maps (>= 2.3-0)"
maps "R (>= 3.0.0)"
markdown "R (>= 2.11.1)"
mclust "R (>= 3.0)"
memoise NA
mime NA
miniUI NA
modelr "R (>= 3.1)"
munsell NA
numDeriv "R (>= 2.11.1)"
nycflights13 "R (>= 2.10)"
openssl NA
packrat "R (>= 3.0.0)"
pillar NA
pkgbuild "R (>= 3.1)"
pkgconfig NA
pkgload NA
PKI "R (>= 2.9.0), base64enc"
plogr NA
plotly "R (>= 3.2.0), ggplot2 (>= 3.0.0)"
plotrix NA
plyr "R (>= 3.1.0)"
png "R (>= 2.9.0)"
praise NA
prettyunits NA
processx NA
prodlim "R (>= 2.9.0)"
promises NA
proto NA
purrr "R (>= 3.1)"
R6 "R (>= 3.0)"
rappdirs "R (>= 2.14), methods"
rattle "R (>= 2.13.0)"
RColorBrewer "R (>= 2.0.0)"
Rcpp "R (>= 3.0.0)"
RcppArmadillo "R (>= 3.3.0)"
RcppMLPACK "R (>= 3.3.0)"
RcppProgress NA
RCurl "R (>= 3.0.0), methods, bitops"
readr "R (>= 3.0.2)"
readxl NA
rematch NA
reprex "R (>= 3.1)"
reshape2 "R (>= 3.1)"
RgoogleMaps "R (>= 2.10)"
RGtk2 "R (>= 3.4.0)"
rjson "R (>= 3.1.0)"
rlang "R (>= 3.1.0)"
rmarkdown "R (>= 3.0)"
roxygen2 "R (>= 3.1)"
rpart.plot "R (>= 3.2.0), rpart (>= 4.1-10)"
rprojroot "R (>= 3.0.0)"
rsconnect "R (>= 3.0.0)"
RSelenium "R (>= 3.0.0)"
RSQLite "R (>= 3.1.0)"
rstudioapi NA
rversions NA
rvest "R (>= 3.0.1), xml2"
scales "R (>= 3.1)"
scatterplot3d "R (>= 2.7.0)"
selectr "R (>= 3.0)"
semver NA
servr "R (>= 3.0.0)"
shiny "R (>= 3.0.2), methods"
sourcetools "R (>= 3.0.2)"
sp "R (>= 3.0.0), methods"
SQUAREM "R (>= 3.0)"
stringi "R (>= 2.14)"
stringr "R (>= 3.1)"
subprocess "R (>= 3.2.0)"
testthat "R (>= 3.1)"
tibble "R (>= 3.1.0)"
tidyr "R (>= 3.1)"
tidyselect "R (>= 3.1)"
tidyverse NA
tinytex NA
utf8 "R (>= 2.10)"
viridis "R (>= 2.10), viridisLite (>= 0.3.0)"
viridisLite "R (>= 2.10)"
wdman "R (>= 3.2)"
whisker NA
withr "R (>= 3.0.2)"
xfun NA
XML "R (>= 1.2.0), utils"
xml2 "R (>= 3.1.0)"
xtable "R (>= 2.10.0)"
yaml NA
base NA
boot "R (>= 3.0.0), graphics, stats"
class "R (>= 3.0.0), stats, utils"
cluster "R (>= 3.2.0)"
codetools "R (>= 2.1)"
compiler NA
datasets NA
foreign "R (>= 3.0.0)"
graphics NA
grDevices NA
grid NA
KernSmooth "R (>= 2.5.0), stats"
lattice "R (>= 3.0.0)"
MASS "R (>= 3.1.0), grDevices, graphics, stats, utils"
Matrix "R (>= 3.2.0)"
methods NA
mgcv "R (>= 2.14.0), nlme (>= 3.1-64)"
nlme "R (>= 3.4.0)"
nnet "R (>= 2.14.0), stats, utils"
parallel NA
rpart "R (>= 2.15.0), graphics, stats, grDevices"
spatial "R (>= 3.0.0), graphics, stats, utils"
splines NA
stats NA
stats4 NA
survival "R (>= 2.13.0)"
tcltk NA
tools NA
utils NA
acepack NA
assertthat "tools"
backports "utils"
base64enc NA
BBmisc "utils, methods, stats, checkmate (>= 1.8.0)"
benchr "Rcpp (>= 0.12.11), RcppProgress, stats, graphics"
bindr NA
bindrcpp "bindr (>= 0.1.1), Rcpp (>= 0.12.16)"
binman "rappdirs, yaml, httr, jsonlite, xml2, utils, stats,\nassertthat, semver"
bit NA
bit64 NA
bitops NA
blob "methods, prettyunits"
blogdown "rmarkdown,\nbookdown (>= 0.5),\nknitr (>= 1.17),\nhtmltools,\nyaml (>= 2.1.19),\nhttpuv (>= 1.4.0),\nxfun (>= 0.3),\nservr (>= 0.8)"
bookdown "htmltools (>= 0.3.6), knitr (>= 1.16), rmarkdown (>= 1.5),\nxfun, tinytex, yaml (>= 2.1.14)"
brew NA
broom "backports, dplyr, methods, nlme, purrr, reshape2, stringr,\ntibble, tidyr"
callr "processx (>= 3.1.0), R6, utils"
caTools "bitops"
cellranger "rematch, tibble"
checkmate "backports (>= 1.1.0), utils"
cli "assertthat, crayon, methods"
clipr "utils"
colorspace "graphics, grDevices"
commonmark NA
crayon "grDevices, methods, utils"
crosstalk "htmltools (>= 0.3.5), jsonlite, lazyeval, R6, shiny (>= 0.11),\nggplot2"
curl NA
data.table "methods"
dbplyr "assertthat (>= 0.2.0), DBI (>= 0.7), dplyr (>= 0.7.4), glue\n(>= 1.2.0), methods, purrr (>= 0.2.4), R6 (>= 2.2.2), rlang (>=\n0.1.6), tibble (>= 1.4.1), tidyselect (>= 0.2.2), utils"
desc "assertthat, utils, R6, crayon, rprojroot"
devtools "httr (>= 0.4), utils, tools, methods, memoise (>= 1.0.0),\nwhisker, digest, rstudioapi (>= 0.2.0), jsonlite, stats, git2r\n(>= 0.11.0), withr"
dichromat NA
digest NA
dplyr "assertthat (>= 0.2.0), bindrcpp (>=, glue (>=\n1.1.1), magrittr (>= 1.5), methods, pkgconfig (>= 2.0.1), R6\n(>= 2.2.2), Rcpp (>= 0.12.19), rlang (>= 0.3.0), tibble (>=\n1.4.2), tidyselect (>= 0.2.3), utils"
emstreeR "Rcpp (>= 0.12.18), RcppMLPACK, scatterplot3d, ggplot2, BBmisc"
evaluate "methods, stringr (>= 0.6.2)"
fansi NA
forcats "magrittr, rlang, tibble"
Formula NA
geosphere "sp"
ggmap "RgoogleMaps,\npng,\nplyr,\nrjson,\njpeg,\ndigest,\nscales,\ndplyr,\nbitops,\ngrid"
ggplot2 "digest, grid, gtable (>= 0.1.1), lazyeval, MASS, mgcv, plyr\n(>= 1.7.1), reshape2, rlang (>= 0.2.1), scales (>= 0.5.0),\nstats, tibble, viridisLite, withr (>= 2.0.0)"
git2r "graphics, utils"
glue "methods"
googlesheets "cellranger (>= 1.0.0), dplyr (>= 0.4.2), httr (>= 1.1.0),\njsonlite, purrr, readr (>= 0.2.2), stats, stringr, tibble,\ntidyr, utils, xml2 (>= 1.0.0)"
gridExtra "gtable, grid, grDevices, graphics, utils"
gtable "grid"
haven "forcats (>= 0.2.0), hms, Rcpp (>= 0.11.4), readr (>= 0.1.0),\ntibble"
here "rprojroot (>= 1.2)"
hexbin "lattice, grid, graphics, grDevices, stats, utils"
highr NA
Hmisc "methods, latticeExtra, cluster, rpart, nnet, acepack, foreign,\ngtable, grid, gridExtra, data.table, htmlTable (>= 1.11.0),\nviridis, htmltools, base64enc"
hms "methods, pkgconfig, rlang"
htmlTable "stringr, knitr (>= 1.6), magrittr (>= 1.5), methods,\ncheckmate, htmlwidgets, htmltools, rstudioapi (>= 0.6)"
htmltools "utils, digest, Rcpp"
htmlwidgets "grDevices, htmltools (>= 0.3), jsonlite (>= 0.9.16), yaml"
httpuv "Rcpp (>= 0.11.0), utils, promises, later (>= 0.7.3)"
httr "jsonlite, mime, curl (>= 0.9.1), openssl (>= 0.8), R6"
jpeg NA
jsonlite NA
knitr "evaluate (>= 0.10), highr, markdown, stringr (>= 0.6), yaml,\nmethods, tools"
KODAMA "Rcpp (>= 0.12.4)"
labeling NA
later "Rcpp (>= 0.12.9), rlang"
latticeExtra "grid, stats, utils, grDevices"
lava "grDevices, graphics, methods, numDeriv, stats, survival,\nSQUAREM, utils"
lazyeval NA
lubridate "stringr, Rcpp (>= 0.12.13),"
magrittr NA
mapproj "stats, graphics"
maps "graphics, utils"
markdown "utils, mime (>= 0.3)"
mclust "stats, utils, graphics, grDevices"
memoise "digest (>= 0.6.3)"
mime "tools"
miniUI "shiny (>= 0.13), htmltools (>= 0.3), utils"
modelr "broom, dplyr, magrittr, purrr (>= 0.2.2), tibble, tidyr (>=\n0.8.0), rlang (>= 0.2.0)"
munsell "colorspace, methods"
numDeriv NA
nycflights13 "tibble"
openssl NA
packrat "tools, utils"
pillar "cli (>= 1.0.0), crayon (>= 1.3.4), fansi, methods, rlang (>=\n0.2.0), utf8 (>= 1.1.3)"
pkgbuild "callr (>= 2.0.0), crayon, desc, R6, rprojroot, withr (>=\n2.1.2)"
pkgconfig "utils"
pkgload "desc, methods, pkgbuild, rlang, rprojroot, rstudioapi, utils,\nwithr"
plogr NA
plotly "tools, scales, httr, jsonlite, magrittr, digest, viridisLite,\nbase64enc, htmltools, htmlwidgets (>= 1.2), tidyr, hexbin,\nRColorBrewer, dplyr, tibble, lazyeval (>= 0.2.0), rlang,\ncrosstalk, purrr, data.table, promises"
plotrix "grDevices, graphics, stats, utils"
plyr "Rcpp (>= 0.11.0)"
png NA
praise NA
prettyunits "magrittr, assertthat, methods"
processx "assertthat, crayon, R6, utils"
prodlim "Rcpp (>= 0.11.5), stats, graphics, survival, KernSmooth, lava"
promises "R6, Rcpp, later, rlang, stats, magrittr"
proto NA
purrr "magrittr (>= 1.5), rlang (>= 0.1), tibble"
rappdirs NA
rattle "stats, utils, ggplot2, grDevices, graphics, magrittr, methods,\nstringi, stringr, tidyr, dplyr, XML, rpart.plot"
RColorBrewer NA
Rcpp "methods, utils"
RcppArmadillo "Rcpp (>= 0.11.0), stats, utils, methods"
RcppMLPACK "Rcpp (>= 0.12.8)"
RcppProgress NA
RCurl NA
readr "Rcpp (>=, tibble, hms, R6"
readxl "cellranger, Rcpp (>= 0.12.12), tibble (>= 1.1)"
rematch NA
reprex "callr (>= 2.0.0), clipr (>= 0.4.0), rlang, rmarkdown, tools,\nutils, whisker, withr"
reshape2 "plyr (>= 1.8.1), Rcpp, stringr"
RgoogleMaps "graphics, stats, utils, grDevices, methods, png"
RGtk2 "methods"
rjson NA
RJSONIO "methods"
rlang NA
rmarkdown "tools, utils, knitr (>= 1.18), yaml (>= 2.1.5), htmltools (>=\n0.3.5), evaluate (>= 0.8), base64enc, jsonlite, rprojroot,\nmime, tinytex (>= 0.3), methods, stringr (>= 1.2.0)"
roxygen2 "brew, commonmark, desc, digest, methods, pkgload, purrr, R6\n(>= 2.1.2), Rcpp (>= 0.11.0), stringi, stringr (>= 1.0.0),\nutils, xml2"
rpart.plot NA
rprojroot "backports"
rsconnect "digest, PKI, RCurl, RJSONIO, packrat (>= 0.4.8-1), yaml (>=\n2.1.5), rstudioapi (>= 0.5)"
RSelenium "XML,methods,caTools,tools,utils, openssl, httr, wdman(>=\n0.2.2), binman"
RSQLite "bit64, blob (>= 1.1.1), DBI (>= 1.0.0), memoise, methods,\npkgconfig, Rcpp (>= 0.12.7)"
rstudioapi NA
rversions "curl, xml2 (>= 1.0.0), utils"
rvest "httr (>= 0.5), selectr, magrittr"
scales "labeling, munsell (>= 0.5), R6, RColorBrewer, Rcpp,\nviridisLite"
scatterplot3d "grDevices, graphics, stats"
selectr "methods, stringr, R6"
semver "Rcpp (>= 0.12.8), assertthat, utils"
servr "mime (>= 0.2), httpuv (>= 1.4.0), xfun, jsonlite"
shiny "utils, grDevices, httpuv (>= 1.4.3), mime (>= 0.3), jsonlite\n(>= 0.9.16), xtable, digest, htmltools (>= 0.3.5), R6 (>= 2.0),\nsourcetools, later (>= 0.7.2), promises (>= 1.0.1), tools,\ncrayon, rlang"
sourcetools NA
sp "utils, stats, graphics, grDevices, lattice, grid"
stringi "tools, utils, stats"
stringr "glue (>= 1.2.0), magrittr, stringi (>= 1.1.7)"
subprocess NA
testthat "cli, crayon, digest, magrittr, methods, praise, R6 (>= 2.2.0),\nrlang, withr (>= 2.0.0)"
tibble "cli, crayon, methods, pillar (>= 1.1.0), rlang, utils"
tidyr "dplyr (>= 0.7.0), glue, magrittr, purrr, Rcpp, rlang, stringi,\ntibble, tidyselect"
tidyselect "glue (>= 1.3.0), purrr, rlang (>= 0.2.2), Rcpp (>= 0.12.0)"
tidyverse "broom (>= 0.4.2), cli (>= 1.0.0), crayon (>= 1.3.4), dplyr (>=\n0.7.4), dbplyr (>= 1.1.0), forcats (>= 0.2.0), ggplot2 (>=\n2.2.1), haven (>= 1.1.0), hms (>= 0.3), httr (>= 1.3.1),\njsonlite (>= 1.5), lubridate (>= 1.7.1), magrittr (>= 1.5),\nmodelr (>= 0.1.1), purrr (>= 0.2.4), readr (>= 1.1.1), readxl\n(>= 1.0.0), reprex (>= 0.1.1), rlang (>= 0.1.4), rstudioapi (>=\n0.7), rvest (>= 0.3.2), stringr (>= 1.2.0), tibble (>= 1.3.4),\ntidyr (>= 0.7.2), xml2 (>= 1.1.1)"
tinytex "xfun (>= 0.3)"
utf8 NA
viridis "stats, ggplot2 (>= 1.0.1), gridExtra"
viridisLite NA
wdman "binman, assertthat, subprocess (>= 0.8.0), yaml, semver(>=\n0.2.0), utils"
whisker NA
withr "stats, graphics, grDevices"
xfun "tools"
XML "methods"
xml2 "Rcpp"
xtable "stats, utils"
yaml NA
base NA
boot NA
class "MASS"
cluster "graphics, grDevices, stats, utils"
codetools NA
compiler NA
datasets NA
foreign "methods, utils, stats"
graphics "grDevices"
grDevices NA
grid "grDevices, utils"
KernSmooth NA
lattice "grid, grDevices, graphics, stats, utils"
MASS "methods"
Matrix "methods, graphics, grid, stats, utils, lattice"
methods "utils, stats"
mgcv "methods, stats, graphics, Matrix"
nlme "graphics, stats, utils, lattice"
nnet NA
parallel "tools, compiler"
rpart NA
spatial NA
splines "graphics, stats"
stats "utils, grDevices, graphics"
stats4 "graphics, methods, stats"
survival "graphics, Matrix, methods, splines, stats, utils"
tcltk "utils"
tools NA
utils NA
acepack NA
assertthat NA
backports NA
base64enc NA
BBmisc NA
benchr "Rcpp, RcppProgress"
bindr NA
bindrcpp "plogr, Rcpp"
binman NA
bit NA
bit64 NA
bitops NA
blob NA
blogdown NA
bookdown NA
brew NA
broom NA
callr NA
caTools NA
cellranger NA
checkmate NA
cli NA
clipr NA
colorspace NA
commonmark NA
crayon NA
crosstalk NA
curl NA
data.table NA
dbplyr NA
desc NA
devtools NA
dichromat NA
digest NA
dplyr "BH (>= 1.58.0-1), bindrcpp (>=, plogr (>=\n0.1.10), Rcpp (>= 0.12.15)"
emstreeR "Rcpp, RcppMLPACK, RcppArmadillo, BH"
evaluate NA
fansi NA
forcats NA
Formula NA
geosphere NA
ggmap NA
ggplot2 NA
git2r NA
glue NA
googlesheets NA
gridExtra NA
gtable NA
haven "Rcpp"
here NA
hexbin NA
highr NA
Hmisc NA
hms NA
htmlTable NA
htmltools "Rcpp"
htmlwidgets NA
httpuv "Rcpp, BH, later"
httr NA
jpeg NA
jsonlite NA
knitr NA
KODAMA "Rcpp, RcppArmadillo"
labeling NA
later "Rcpp, BH"
latticeExtra NA
lava NA
lazyeval NA
lubridate "Rcpp,"
magrittr NA
mapproj NA
maps NA
markdown NA
mclust NA
memoise NA
mime NA
miniUI NA
modelr NA
munsell NA
numDeriv NA
nycflights13 NA
openssl NA
packrat NA
pillar NA
pkgbuild NA
pkgconfig NA
pkgload NA
plogr NA
plotly NA
plotrix NA
plyr "Rcpp"
png NA
praise NA
prettyunits NA
processx "testthat"
prodlim "Rcpp"
promises "later, Rcpp"
proto NA
purrr NA
rappdirs NA
rattle NA
RColorBrewer NA
Rcpp NA
RcppArmadillo "Rcpp"
RcppMLPACK "Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, BH"
RcppProgress NA
RCurl NA
readr "Rcpp, BH"
readxl "Rcpp"
rematch NA
reprex NA
reshape2 "Rcpp"
RgoogleMaps NA
RGtk2 NA
rjson NA
rlang NA
rmarkdown NA
roxygen2 "Rcpp"
rpart.plot NA
rprojroot NA
rsconnect NA
RSelenium NA
RSQLite "BH, plogr (>= 0.2.0), Rcpp"
rstudioapi NA
rversions NA
rvest NA
scales "Rcpp"
scatterplot3d NA
selectr NA
semver "Rcpp"
servr NA
shiny NA
sourcetools NA
sp NA
stringi NA
stringr NA
subprocess NA
testthat NA
tibble NA
tidyr "Rcpp"
tidyselect "Rcpp (>= 0.12.0),"
tidyverse NA
tinytex NA
utf8 NA
viridis NA
viridisLite NA
wdman NA
whisker NA
withr NA
xfun NA
xml2 "Rcpp (>= 0.12.12)"
xtable NA
yaml NA
base NA
boot NA
class NA
cluster NA
codetools NA
compiler NA
datasets NA
foreign NA
graphics NA
grDevices NA
grid NA
KernSmooth NA
lattice NA
Matrix NA
methods NA
mgcv NA
nlme NA
nnet NA
parallel NA
rpart NA
spatial NA
splines NA
stats NA
stats4 NA
survival NA
tcltk NA
tools NA
utils NA
acepack "testthat"
assertthat "testthat"
backports NA
base64enc NA
BBmisc "testthat, microbenchmark, codetools"
benchr "testthat, ggplot2"
bindr "testthat"
bindrcpp "testthat"
binman "testthat, covr, knitr, rmarkdown"
bit NA
bit64 NA
bitops NA
blob "covr, pillar (>= 1.2.1), testthat"
blogdown "testit,\nshiny,\nminiUI,\nstringr,\nrstudioapi,\ntools,\nprocessx,\nlater"
bookdown "htmlwidgets, rstudioapi, miniUI, rsconnect (>= 0.4.3), servr\n(>= 0.3), shiny, testit (>= 0.5), tufte, webshot"
brew NA
broom "AER, akima, AUC, bbmle, betareg, biglm, binGroup, boot, brms,\nbtergm, car, caret, coda, covr, e1071, emmeans, ergm, gam (>=\n1.15), gamlss,, gamlss.dist, geepack, ggplot2,\nglmnet, gmm, Hmisc, irlba, joineRML, Kendall, knitr, ks,\nLahman, lavaan, lfe, lme4, lmodel2, lmtest, lsmeans, maps,\nmaptools, MASS, Matrix, mclust, mgcv, muhaz, multcomp, network,\nnnet, orcutt (>= 2.2), ordinal, plm, plyr, poLCA, psych,\nquantreg, rgeos, rmarkdown, robust, rsample, rstan, rstanarm,\nsp, speedglm, statnet.common, survey, survival, testthat,\ntseries, xergm, zoo"
callr "covr, testthat, withr"
caTools "MASS, rpart"
cellranger "covr, testthat (>= 1.0.0), knitr, rmarkdown"
checkmate "R6, bit, fastmatch, data.table (>= 1.9.8), devtools, ggplot2,\nknitr, magrittr, microbenchmark, rmarkdown, testthat (>=\n0.11.0), tibble"
cli "covr, mockery, testthat, withr"
clipr "rstudioapi (>= 0.5), testthat, covr"
colorspace "datasets, stats, utils, KernSmooth, MASS, kernlab, mvtnorm,\nvcd, dichromat, tcltk, shiny, shinyjs"
commonmark "curl"
crayon "mockery, rstudioapi, testthat, withr"
crosstalk NA
curl "spelling, testthat (>= 1.0.0), knitr, jsonlite, rmarkdown,\nmagrittr, httpuv, webutils"
data.table "bit64, curl, knitr, xts, nanotime, zoo, reshape2"
DBI "blob, covr, hms, knitr, magrittr, rprojroot, rmarkdown,\nRSQLite (>= 1.1-2), testthat, xml2"
dbplyr "bit64, covr, knitr, Lahman (>= 5.0.0), nycflights13 (>=\n0.2.2), rmarkdown, RMariaDB (>= 1.0.2), RMySQL (>= 0.10.11),\nRPostgreSQL (>= 0.4.1), RSQLite (>= 2.0), testthat (>= 2.0.0),\nwithr"
desc "covr, testthat, whoami, withr"
devtools "curl (>= 0.9), crayon, testthat (>= 1.0.2), BiocInstaller,\nRcpp (>= 0.10.0), MASS, rmarkdown, knitr, hunspell (>= 2.0),\nlintr (>= 0.2.1), bitops, roxygen2 (>= 5.0.0), evaluate,\nrversions, covr, gmailr (> 0.7.0)"
dichromat NA
digest "knitr, rmarkdown"
dplyr "bit64 (>= 0.9.7), callr, covr (>= 3.0.1), DBI (>= 0.7.14),\ndbplyr (>= 1.2.0), dtplyr (>= 0.0.2), ggplot2 (>= 2.2.1), hms\n(>= 0.4.1), knitr (>= 1.19), Lahman (>= 3.0-1), lubridate,\nMASS, mgcv (>= 1.8.23), microbenchmark (>= 1.4.4), nycflights13\n(>= 0.2.2), rmarkdown (>= 1.8), RMySQL (>= 0.10.13),\nRPostgreSQL (>= 0.6.2), RSQLite (>= 2.0), testthat (>= 2.0.0),\nwithr (>= 2.1.1)"
emstreeR NA
evaluate "testthat, lattice, ggplot2"
fansi "unitizer"
forcats "covr, ggplot2, testthat"
Formula NA
geosphere "methods, raster"
ggmap "MASS,\nstringr,\nhexbin,\ntibble,\ntestthat"
ggplot2 "covr, dplyr, ggplot2movies, hexbin, Hmisc, lattice, mapproj,\nmaps, maptools, multcomp, munsell, nlme, testthat (>= 0.11.0),\nvdiffr, quantreg, knitr, rgeos, rpart, rmarkdown, sf (>=\n0.3-4), svglite (>="
git2r "getPass"
glue "testthat, covr, magrittr, crayon, knitr, rmarkdown, DBI,\nRSQLite, R.utils, forcats, microbenchmark, rprintf, stringr,\nggplot2, dplyr, withr"
googlesheets "covr, ggplot2, knitr, rmarkdown, rprojroot, testthat (>=\n1.0.0)"
gridExtra "ggplot2, egg, lattice, knitr, testthat"
gtable "testthat, covr"
haven "covr, fs, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat"
here NA
hexbin "marray, affy, Biobase, limma"
highr "knitr, testit"
Hmisc "chron, rms, mice, tables, knitr, ff, ffbase, plotly (>=\n4.5.6)"
hms "crayon, lubridate, pillar (>= 1.1.0), testthat"
htmlTable "testthat, XML, xtable, ztable, Hmisc, reshape, rmarkdown,\npander, chron, lubridate, tibble, tidyr (>= 0.7.2), dplyr (>=\n0.7.4)"
htmltools "markdown, testthat"
htmlwidgets "knitr (>= 1.8)"
httpuv "testthat, callr"
httr "httpuv, jpeg, knitr, png, testthat (>= 0.8.0), readr, xml2,\nrmarkdown, covr"
jpeg NA
jsonlite "httr, curl, plyr, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, R.rsp, sp"
knitr "formatR, testit, digest, rgl (>= 0.95.1201), codetools,\nrmarkdown, htmlwidgets (>= 0.7), webshot, tikzDevice (>= 0.10),\ntinytex, xfun, reticulate (>= 1.4), JuliaCall (>= 0.11.1), png,\njpeg, xml2, httr, DBI (>= 0.4-1), showtext, tibble"
KODAMA "rgl, knitr, rmarkdown"
labeling NA
later "knitr, rmarkdown, testthat"
latticeExtra "maps, mapproj, deldir, tripack, zoo, MASS, quantreg, mgcv"
lava "KernSmooth, Matrix, Rgraphviz, ascii, data.table, ellipse,\nfields, foreach, geepack, gof (>= 0.9), graph, igraph (>= 0.6),\nlava.tobit (>= 0.4.7), lme4, mets (>= 1.1), nlme, optimx,\npolycor, quantreg, rgl, testthat (>= 0.11), visNetwork, zoo"
lazyeval "knitr, rmarkdown (>= 0.2.65), testthat, covr"
lubridate "testthat, knitr, covr"
magrittr "testthat, knitr"
mapproj NA
maps "mapproj (>= 1.2-0), mapdata (>= 2.3.0), sp, maptools,\nrnaturalearth"
markdown "knitr, RCurl"
mclust "knitr (>= 1.12), rmarkdown (>= 0.9), mix (>= 1.0), geometry\n(>= 0.3-6), MASS"
memoise "testthat, aws.s3, httr, covr"
mime NA
miniUI NA
modelr "compiler, covr, ggplot2, testthat"
munsell "ggplot2, testthat"
numDeriv NA
nycflights13 "dplyr"
openssl "testthat, digest, knitr, rmarkdown, jsonlite, jose"
packrat "testthat (>= 0.7), devtools, httr, knitr, rmarkdown"
pillar "knitr (>= 1.19), lubridate, testthat (>= 2.0.0), withr"
pkgbuild "Rcpp, testthat, covr"
pkgconfig "covr, testthat, disposables (>= 1.0.3)"
pkgload "bitops, covr, Rcpp, testthat"
plogr "Rcpp"
plotly "MASS, maps, ggthemes, GGally, testthat, knitr, devtools,\nshiny (>= 1.1.0), curl, rmarkdown, Rserve, RSclient, Cairo,\nbroom, webshot, listviewer, dendextend, sf, maptools, rgeos,\npng, IRdisplay, processx, plotlyGeoAssets, forcats"
plotrix NA
plyr "abind, testthat, tcltk, foreach, doParallel, itertools,\niterators, covr"
png NA
praise "testthat"
prettyunits "testthat"
processx "covr, debugme, parallel, testthat, withr"
prodlim NA
promises "testthat, future, knitr, rmarkdown"
proto "testthat, covr"
purrr "covr, dplyr (>= 0.7.5), knitr, rmarkdown, testthat"
R6 "knitr, microbenchmark, pryr, testthat, ggplot2, scales"
rappdirs "testthat, roxygen2"
rattle "pmml (>= 1.2.13), bitops, colorspace, ada, amap, arules,\narulesViz, biclust, cairoDevice, cba, cluster, corrplot, descr,\ndoBy, e1071, ellipse, fBasics, foreign, fpc, gdata, ggdendro,\nggraptR, gplots, grid, gridExtra, gtools, gWidgetsRGtk2,\nhmeasure, Hmisc, kernlab, Matrix, mice, nnet, party, playwith,\nplyr, psych, randomForest,, RColorBrewer, readxl,\nreshape, rggobi, RGtk2, ROCR, RODBC, rpart, scales, SnowballC,\nsurvival, timeDate, tm, verification, wskm, RGtk2Extras,\nxgboost"
RColorBrewer NA
Rcpp "RUnit, inline, rbenchmark, knitr, rmarkdown, pinp, pkgKitten\n(>= 0.1.2)"
RcppArmadillo "RUnit, Matrix, pkgKitten, reticulate, rmarkdown, knitr, pinp,\nslam"
RcppProgress "RcppArmadillo, devtools, roxygen2, testthat"
RCurl "Rcompression, XML"
readr "curl, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, stringi, covr"
readxl "covr, knitr, rmarkdown, rprojroot (>= 1.1), testthat"
rematch "covr, testthat"
reprex "covr, devtools, fortunes, knitr, miniUI, rprojroot,\nrstudioapi, shiny, styler, testthat (>= 2.0.0)"
reshape2 "covr, lattice, testthat (>= 0.8.0)"
RgoogleMaps "PBSmapping, maptools, sp, loa, RColorBrewer, leaflet"
RGtk2 NA
rjson NA
rlang "crayon, magrittr, methods, pillar, testthat (>= 2.0.0), covr"
rmarkdown "shiny (>= 0.11), tufte, testthat, digest, dygraphs, tibble"
roxygen2 "covr, devtools, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 0.8.0)"
rpart.plot "earth (>= 4.4.6)"
rprojroot "testthat, mockr, knitr, withr, rmarkdown"
rsconnect "knitr, testthat, rmarkdown (>= 1.1), plumber (>= 0.3.2),\nshiny, sourcetools, xtable"
RSelenium "testthat, knitr, Rcompression, covr, rmarkdown"
RSQLite "DBItest, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat"
rstudioapi "testthat, knitr, rmarkdown"
rversions NA
rvest "testthat, knitr, png, stringi (>= 0.3.1), rmarkdown, covr"
scales "dichromat, bit64, covr, hms, testthat (>= 2.0)"
scatterplot3d NA
selectr "testthat, XML, xml2"
semver "testthat, covr, knitr, rmarkdown"
servr "tools, later, rstudioapi, knitr (>= 1.9), rmarkdown"
shiny "datasets, Cairo (>= 1.5-5), testthat, knitr (>= 1.6),\nmarkdown, rmarkdown, ggplot2, magrittr"
sourcetools "testthat"
sp "RColorBrewer, rgdal (>= 0.8-7), rgeos (>= 0.3-13), gstat,\nmaptools, deldir"
stringi NA
stringr "covr, htmltools, htmlwidgets, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat"
subprocess "mockery, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown (>= 1.0)"
testthat "covr, devtools, knitr, rmarkdown, xml2"
tibble "covr, dplyr, import, knitr (>= 1.5.32), microbenchmark,\nmockr, nycflights13, rmarkdown, testthat, withr"
tidyr "covr, gapminder, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat"
tidyselect "covr, dplyr, testthat"
tidyverse "feather (>= 0.3.1), knitr (>= 1.17), rmarkdown (>= 1.7.4)"
tinytex "testit"
utf8 "knitr, rmarkdown, testthat"
viridis "hexbin (>= 1.27.0), scales, MASS, knitr, dichromat,\ncolorspace, rasterVis, httr, mapproj, vdiffr, svglite (>=\n1.2.0), testthat, covr, rmarkdown, rgdal"
viridisLite "hexbin (>= 1.27.0), ggplot2 (>= 1.0.1), testthat, covr"
wdman "testthat, covr, knitr, rmarkdown"
whisker "markdown"
withr "testthat, covr, lattice, DBI, RSQLite, methods, knitr,\nrmarkdown"
xfun "testit, parallel, rstudioapi, tinytex, mime, markdown, knitr,\nhtmltools, base64enc, rmarkdown"
XML "bitops, RCurl"
xml2 "testthat, curl, covr, knitr, rmarkdown, magrittr, httr"
xtable "knitr, lsmeans, spdep, splm, sphet, plm, zoo, survival"
yaml "RUnit"
base "methods"
boot "MASS, survival"
class NA
cluster "MASS, Matrix"
codetools NA
compiler NA
datasets NA
foreign NA
graphics NA
grDevices "KernSmooth"
grid "lattice"
KernSmooth "MASS"
lattice "KernSmooth, MASS, latticeExtra"
MASS "lattice, nlme, nnet, survival"
Matrix "expm, MASS"
methods "codetools"
mgcv "splines, parallel, survival, MASS"
nlme "Hmisc, MASS"
nnet "MASS"
parallel "methods"
rpart "survival"
spatial "MASS"
splines "Matrix, methods"
stats "MASS, Matrix, SuppDists, methods, stats4"
stats4 NA
survival NA
tcltk NA
tools "codetools, methods, xml2, curl"
utils "methods, xml2, commonmark"
acepack NA
assertthat NA
backports NA
base64enc "png"
BBmisc NA
benchr NA
bindr NA
bindrcpp NA
binman NA
bit NA
bit64 NA
bitops NA
blob NA
blogdown NA
bookdown NA
brew NA
broom NA
callr NA
caTools NA
cellranger NA
checkmate NA
cli NA
clipr NA
colorspace NA
commonmark NA
crayon NA
crosstalk NA
curl NA
data.table NA
dbplyr NA
desc NA
devtools NA
dichromat NA
digest NA
dplyr NA
emstreeR NA
evaluate NA
fansi NA
forcats NA
Formula NA
geosphere NA
ggmap NA
ggplot2 "sp"
git2r NA
glue NA
googlesheets NA
gridExtra NA
gtable NA
haven NA
here NA
hexbin NA
highr NA
Hmisc NA
hms NA
htmlTable NA
htmltools "knitr"
htmlwidgets "shiny (>= 1.0.5)"
httpuv NA
httr NA
jpeg NA
jsonlite NA
knitr NA
labeling NA
later NA
latticeExtra NA
lava NA
lazyeval NA
lubridate "chron, fts, timeSeries, timeDate, tis, tseries, xts, zoo"
magrittr NA
mapproj NA
maps NA
markdown NA
mclust NA
memoise NA
mime NA
miniUI NA
modelr NA
munsell NA
numDeriv NA
nycflights13 NA
openssl NA
packrat "BiocInstaller"
pillar NA
pkgbuild NA
pkgconfig NA
pkgload NA
PKI "gmp"
plogr NA
plotly NA
plotrix NA
plyr NA
png NA
praise NA
prettyunits NA
processx NA
prodlim NA
promises NA
proto NA
purrr NA
rappdirs NA
rattle NA
RColorBrewer NA
Rcpp NA
RcppArmadillo NA
RcppProgress NA
RCurl NA
readr NA
readxl NA
rematch NA
reprex NA
reshape2 NA
RgoogleMaps NA
RGtk2 NA
rjson NA
rlang NA
rmarkdown NA
roxygen2 NA
rpart.plot NA
rprojroot NA
rsconnect "BiocInstaller"
RSelenium NA
rstudioapi NA
rversions NA
rvest NA
scales NA
scatterplot3d NA
selectr NA
semver NA
servr NA
shiny NA
sourcetools NA
sp NA
stringi NA
stringr NA
subprocess NA
testthat NA
tibble NA
tidyr NA
tidyselect NA
tidyverse NA
tinytex NA
utf8 NA
viridis NA
viridisLite NA
wdman NA
whisker NA
withr NA
xfun NA
xml2 NA
xtable NA
yaml NA
base NA
boot NA
class NA
cluster NA
codetools NA
compiler NA
datasets NA
foreign NA
graphics NA
grDevices NA
grid NA
KernSmooth NA
lattice "chron"
Matrix "MatrixModels, graph, SparseM, sfsmisc"
methods NA
mgcv NA
nlme NA
nnet NA
parallel "snow, nws, Rmpi"
rpart NA
spatial NA
splines NA
stats NA
stats4 NA
survival NA
tcltk NA
tools NA
utils NA
License License_is_FOSS
acepack "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
assertthat "GPL-3" NA
backports "GPL-2" NA
base64enc "GPL-2 | GPL-3" NA
BBmisc "BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE" NA
benchr "GPL (>= 2)" NA
BH "BSL-1.0" NA
bindr "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
bindrcpp "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
binman "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
bit "GPL-2" NA
bit64 "GPL-2" NA
bitops "GPL (>= 2)" NA
blob "GPL-3" NA
blogdown "GPL-3" NA
bookdown "GPL-3" NA
brew "GPL-2" NA
broom "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
callr "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
caTools "GPL-3" NA
cellranger "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
checkmate "BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE" NA
cli "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
clipr "GPL-3" NA
colorspace "BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE" NA
commonmark "BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE" NA
crayon "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
crosstalk "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
curl "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
data.table "MPL-2.0 | file LICENSE" NA
DBI "LGPL (>= 2)" NA
dbplyr "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
desc "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
devtools "GPL (>= 2)" NA
dichromat "GPL-2" NA
digest "GPL (>= 2)" NA
dplyr "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
emstreeR "BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE" NA
evaluate "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
fansi "GPL (>= 2)" NA
forcats "GPL-3" NA
Formula "GPL-2 | GPL-3" NA
geosphere "GPL (>= 3)" NA
ggmap "GPL-2" NA
ggplot2 "GPL-2 | file LICENSE" NA
git2r "GPL-2" NA
glue "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
googlesheets "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
gridExtra "GPL (>= 2)" NA
gtable "GPL-2" NA
haven "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
here "GPL-3" NA
hexbin "GPL-2" NA
highr "GPL" NA
Hmisc "GPL (>= 2)" NA
hms "GPL-3" NA
htmlTable "GPL (>= 3)" NA
htmltools "GPL (>= 2)" NA
htmlwidgets "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
httpuv "GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE" NA
httr "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
jpeg "GPL-2 | GPL-3" NA
jsonlite "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
knitr "GPL" NA
KODAMA "GPL (>= 2)" NA
labeling "MIT + file LICENSE | Unlimited" NA
later "GPL (>= 2)" NA
latticeExtra "GPL (>= 2)" NA
lava "GPL-3" NA
lazyeval "GPL-3" NA
lubridate "GPL (>= 2)" NA
magrittr "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
mapproj "Lucent Public License" NA
maps "GPL-2" NA
markdown "GPL-2" NA
mclust "GPL (>= 2)" NA
memoise "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
mime "GPL" NA
miniUI "GPL-3" NA
modelr "GPL-3" NA
MultiRNG "GPL-2 | GPL-3" NA
munsell "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
numDeriv "GPL-2" NA
nycflights13 "CC0" NA
openssl "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
packrat "GPL-2" NA
pillar "GPL-3" NA
pkgbuild "GPL-3" NA
pkgconfig "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
pkgload "GPL-3" NA
PKI "GPL-2 | GPL-3 | file LICENSE" NA
plogr "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
plotly "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
plotrix "GPL (>= 2)" NA
plyr "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
png "GPL-2 | GPL-3" NA
praise "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
prettyunits "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
processx "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
prodlim "GPL (>= 2)" NA
promises "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
proto "GPL-2" NA
purrr "GPL-3 | file LICENSE" NA
R6 "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
rappdirs "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
rattle "GPL (>= 2)" NA
RColorBrewer "Apache License 2.0" NA
Rcpp "GPL (>= 2)" NA
RcppArmadillo "GPL (>= 2)" NA
RcppMLPACK "LGPL (>= 2)" NA
RcppProgress "GPL (>= 3)" NA
RCurl "BSD" NA
readr "GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE" NA
readxl "GPL-3" NA
rematch "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
reprex "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
reshape2 "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
RgoogleMaps "GPL" NA
RGtk2 "GPL" NA
rjson "GPL-2" NA
RJSONIO "BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE" NA
rlang "GPL-3" NA
rmarkdown "GPL-3" NA
roxygen2 "GPL (>= 2)" NA
rpart.plot "GPL-3" NA
rprojroot "GPL-3" NA
rsconnect "GPL-2" NA
RSelenium "AGPL-3" NA
RSQLite "LGPL (>= 2)" NA
rstudioapi "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
rversions "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
rvest "GPL-3" NA
scales "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
scatterplot3d "GPL-2" NA
selectr "BSD_3_clause + file LICENCE" NA
semver "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
servr "GPL" NA
shiny "GPL-3 | file LICENSE" NA
sourcetools "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
sp "GPL (>= 2)" NA
stringi "file LICENSE" "yes"
stringr "GPL-2 | file LICENSE" NA
subprocess "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
testthat "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
tibble "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
tidyr "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
tidyselect "GPL-3" NA
tidyverse "GPL-3 | file LICENSE" NA
tinytex "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
utf8 "Apache License (== 2.0) | file LICENSE" NA
viridis "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
viridisLite "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
wdman "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
whisker "GPL-3" NA
withr "GPL (>= 2)" NA
xfun "MIT + file LICENSE" NA
XML "BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE" NA
xml2 "GPL (>= 2)" NA
xtable "GPL (>= 2)" NA
yaml "BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE" NA
base "Part of R 3.5.1" NA
boot "Unlimited" NA
class "GPL-2 | GPL-3" NA
cluster "GPL (>= 2)" NA
codetools "GPL" NA
compiler "Part of R 3.5.1" NA
datasets "Part of R 3.5.1" NA
foreign "GPL (>= 2)" NA
graphics "Part of R 3.5.1" NA
grDevices "Part of R 3.5.1" NA
grid "Part of R 3.5.1" NA
KernSmooth "Unlimited" NA
lattice "GPL (>= 2)" NA
Matrix "GPL (>= 2) | file LICENCE" NA
methods "Part of R 3.5.1" NA
mgcv "GPL (>= 2)" NA
nlme "GPL (>= 2) | file LICENCE" NA
nnet "GPL-2 | GPL-3" NA
parallel "Part of R 3.5.1" NA
rpart "GPL-2 | GPL-3" NA
spatial "GPL-2 | GPL-3" NA
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Matrix NA NA NA "yes"
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stats NA NA NA "yes"
stats4 NA NA NA NA
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BH "3.5.1"
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colorspace "3.5.1"
commonmark "3.5.1"
crayon "3.5.1"
crosstalk "3.5.1"
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DBI "3.5.1"
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Formula "3.5.1"
geosphere "3.5.1"
ggmap "3.5.1"
ggplot2 "3.5.1"
git2r "3.5.1"
glue "3.5.1"
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gridExtra "3.5.1"
gtable "3.5.1"
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here "3.5.1"
hexbin "3.5.1"
highr "3.5.1"
Hmisc "3.5.1"
hms "3.5.1"
htmlTable "3.5.1"
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htmlwidgets "3.5.1"
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KODAMA "3.5.1"
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markdown "3.5.1"
mclust "3.5.1"
memoise "3.5.1"
mime "3.5.1"
miniUI "3.5.1"
modelr "3.5.1"
MultiRNG "3.5.1"
munsell "3.5.1"
numDeriv "3.5.1"
nycflights13 "3.5.1"
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pillar "3.5.1"
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pkgconfig "3.5.1"
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PKI "3.5.1"
plogr "3.5.1"
plotly "3.5.1"
plotrix "3.5.1"
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png "3.5.1"
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purrr "3.5.1"
R6 "3.5.1"
rappdirs "3.5.1"
rattle "3.5.1"
RColorBrewer "3.5.1"
Rcpp "3.5.1"
RcppArmadillo "3.5.1"
RcppMLPACK "3.5.1"
RcppProgress "3.5.1"
RCurl "3.5.1"
readr "3.5.1"
readxl "3.5.1"
rematch "3.5.1"
reprex "3.5.1"
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RgoogleMaps "3.5.1"
RGtk2 "3.5.1"
rjson "3.5.1"
RJSONIO "3.5.1"
rlang "3.5.1"
rmarkdown "3.5.1"
roxygen2 "3.5.1"
rpart.plot "3.5.1"
rprojroot "3.5.1"
rsconnect "3.5.1"
RSelenium "3.5.1"
RSQLite "3.5.1"
rstudioapi "3.5.1"
rversions "3.5.1"
rvest "3.5.1"
scales "3.5.1"
scatterplot3d "3.5.1"
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semver "3.5.1"
servr "3.5.1"
shiny "3.5.1"
sourcetools "3.5.1"
sp "3.5.1"
SQUAREM "3.5.1"
stringi "3.5.1"
stringr "3.5.1"
subprocess "3.5.1"
testthat "3.5.1"
tibble "3.5.1"
tidyr "3.5.1"
tidyselect "3.5.1"
tidyverse "3.5.1"
tinytex "3.5.1"
utf8 "3.5.1"
viridis "3.5.1"
viridisLite "3.5.1"
wdman "3.5.1"
whisker "3.5.1"
withr "3.5.1"
xfun "3.5.1"
XML "3.5.1"
xml2 "3.5.1"
xtable "3.5.1"
yaml "3.5.1"
base "3.5.1"
boot "3.5.0"
class "3.5.0"
cluster "3.5.0"
codetools "3.5.0"
compiler "3.5.1"
datasets "3.5.1"
foreign "3.5.0"
graphics "3.5.1"
grDevices "3.5.1"
grid "3.5.1"
KernSmooth "3.5.0"
lattice "3.5.0"
MASS "3.5.0"
Matrix "3.5.0"
methods "3.5.1"
mgcv "3.5.0"
nlme "3.5.0"
nnet "3.5.0"
parallel "3.5.1"
rpart "3.5.0"
spatial "3.5.0"
splines "3.5.1"
stats "3.5.1"
stats4 "3.5.1"
survival "3.5.0"
tcltk "3.5.1"
tools "3.5.1"
utils "3.5.1"
library("nome_do_pacote") # se não existir, retorna erro
require("nome_do_pacote") # se não existir, retorna TRUE ou FALSE
Vamos fazer um teste…
x11() # abrirá uma janela de gráficos fora do RStudio
1) Se já sabe que a função ou pacote existe e está instalado:
2) Se não faz a menor ideia:"cubic")
# ou
Na (2), o R trará todas os pacotes e funções que contenham aquela palavra ou partes dela.
O R possui uma série de “camadas” (ou environments), nas quais os objetos criados em uma sessão são “alocados”;
Ha uma hierarquia entre essas camadas/ambientes e a posição mais alta na hierarquia é ocupada pelo Global Environment;
Fonte: “Advanced R” - Hadley Wickham
[1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:knitr" "package:stats"
[4] "package:graphics" "package:grDevices" "package:utils"
[7] "package:datasets" "package:methods" "Autoloads"
[10] "package:base"
É a “área de trabalho” do R;
Nela estarão todos os objetos que você criou e salvou em uma determinada sessão;
Você pode salvar um workspace para recuperá-lo depois de duas formas:
# perceba que para indicar diretórios no R, usamos duas barras
OU via Menu:
O working directory é o diretório no nosso computador em que o R procurará por arquivos ou salvará arquivos caso não especifiquemos o caminho completo.
Para sabermos qual é o diretório atual, usamos:
[1] "/home/allan/Documents/Fnde/cursoR_FNDE_mod1/sessoes_01e02"
Altere o seu working directory para uma pasta de sua preferência e tente SALVAR e CARREGAR novamente seu Workspace, indicando somente o nome do arquivo .RData:
Digite no seu console:
Verifique as demonstrações presentes no R e tente executá-las com: