Criterion constructor function to be combined in a custom search statement

sent_before(date_char, negate = FALSE)



A character string with format "DD-Mon-YYYY", e.g. "01-Apr-2019". We opt not to use Date or POSIX* like objects, since IMAP servers use this unusual date format.


If TRUE, negates the search and seeks for "NOT SEARCH CRITERIA". Default is FALSE.


A search string to be used as a request parameter in ImapCon$search() function.

See also

Other custom search: AND(), ImapCon, OR(), before(), flag(), larger_than(), older_than(), on(), sent_on(), sent_since(), since(), smaller_than(), string(), younger_than()


if (FALSE) {
# select folder & search
con$select_folder(name = "INBOX")
# search for messages SINCE "30-Ago-2019" AND SMALLER than 512KB.
res <- con$search(request = AND(sent_since(date_char = "30-Ago-2019"),
                                smaller_than(size = 512000)))